Monday, February 4, 2008

7 Reasons to vote for Ron Paul

1) He is the only mainstream candidate running that is not a member of a group known as the CFR (Council On Foreign Relations). I don't know about you but I don't want to pick from a group of people that all have the same agenda. Hillary, Obama, Romney, McCain, you name them, they all go to these meetings and decide what do do with foreign policy. And no this isn't a conspiracy theory, you can go right to the CFR's government website and look at their member list.

2) He is the only candidate running that has a proven record. You can go back through his history, try to dig up any kind of dirt on him, you cannot find anything at all he's an honest man, not your typical politician. He has not changed his views on things (flip flopping as it's called) for the past 40 years that he's been in politics. He does not pander to certain groups like most politicians do. He stands by what he believes in. You ever notice how politicians will change their tune, and lie about things depending what crowd they are in front of? Ron Paul always stands by what he believes in, does not pander, does not flip flop, no matter what crowd he is in front of, even if it means he will get booed for his positions. With Ron Paul, you KNOW what you're getting. You KNOW he's going to do the things you say he's going to do. You might not agree with the things he is going to do, but you know he's not lying and is really going to do them. An example would be that he wants to legalize marijuana because he says a ban on it is unconstitutional and the war on drugs is stupid. I don't agree with him on this, I think it should stay illegal, but he still has my vote, because he's honest.

3) He's a statesman, not a politician. If you truly sit down and take the time to listen to his speeches, where he speaks from his heart, where he does not read from a script or have people telling him what to say , you will know the difference between a statesman, and your typical politician we are so used to. He's not a good speaker, that's right, and his voice is a bit annoying, but at least he speaks from his heart and is honest. Of course, even though he speaks the truth about everything, people will still listen to the other candidates and believe them, just because they can talk better and have speech coaches. The majority of people are so superficial. They will vote for the candidate just because he's good looking, and talks good, even if that candidate says he he is going to start world war iii and turn you all into slaves.

4) He's censored by the media. That says a lot about a candidate. You know the media are multi-billion dollar corporations, right? Their goal is to profit and make money. They basically can get anyone elected that they want, just by giving a candidate more coverage. They are going to get a candidate elected that is going to benefit them, or in other words, give them more and more money and free kicks from the government. And yes, the media can get anyone elected they want. If you take candidate A who no one knows about, or candidate B who is on CNN/ABC/FoxNews/MSNBC 24/7 that millions of Americans see every day, who do you think is going to win? And yes, Ron Paul is being censored by the media. If you are not heavily into politics you probably don't see it. But let's look at some facts. Ron Paul has come in second place in two states so far. That is incredible considering the media keeps calling him a 'fringe' candidate with 'no chance'. When the media reports those results, they will say "First place was Romney with XX%, then third place was McCain with XX%, and then you have Huckabee taking 4th with X%." And you're just like... WTF, who was second? Then you look up the results on the internet, you know, the only news source that is unbiased and not corrupt, and you see Ron Paul took 2nd.

5) Ron Paul is going to abolish the IRS, enough said. Everyone hates the IRS, they take half of everything on your paycheck. But, people think the IRS cannot go away and is a necessary evil. This is why Ron Paul gets called a kook, people will say "Well, if he abolishes it, how's the government going to make money and pay for our roads, or our education?" Well, anyone who takes a political sciences class in college will know
that none of the money the IRS takes from you goes to roads, or anything useful for that matter. It's actually used to pay interest on our national debt. INTEREST. Not even used for the debt itself, but for the interest on that debt, or in other words the PROFIT, which goes into the pockets of some very, very rich people.

You know, all politicians talk about cutting taxes. And some do, even if only a little bit. The voters hate taxes. But you know, they never do what's necessary when cutting taxes, which is CUT SPENDING too. You could get rid of most all taxes we paid, if the damn government didn't spend the money on useless things.

What useless things? Check these lists out, they are EXTREMELY telling:
Do we even need 1/20th of the things on there? Politicians love to spend money on useless things. Ron Paul wants to end that.

6) Ron Paul doesn't want to tell you what to do with your life. He wants to end the war on drugs and legalize them, for example. Gay marriage? He doesn't care, says it's not the federal government's job to tell you what you can or can't do, let the states decide. Abortion? Being a doctor who has delivered babies, he thinks it's wrong, but again, doesn't care, let the states decide.

Of course if you're a typical American citizen (sheep) that wants the government to do everything for you and tell you what's best, then by all means, vote for any one of the other candidates.

7) He actually does what he says he's going to do? You can look up his entire voting history while he was in congress. Do the research. Or don't, vote for another typical politician that is all talk and no walk.

Anyway if you wanna know why people like Ron Paul, don't listen to what the media spoon feeds you, watch a video and watch him talk:

take your pick.

But I doubt you will. You are like the typical American. You want instant gratification. You want to live life fast. You can't be bothered to do actual research. You will just listen to soundbytes. Don't do your research. Just vote blindly like every other person does. Vote for who the media, the status quo, tells you to vote.

Do not waste your vote

I am 18 and will be voting for Ron Paul in both the primary tomorrow, and also in the general election in november either as a write-in or if he runs third party, if he doesn't get the republican nomination. He has opened my eyes and showed me that parties do not matter, republican, democrat, you get the same thing basically, they just take turns. He has showed me that there is no such thing as wasting your vote and you should vote for who you really want to be president, not who's likely to win.

Americans have this mentality that they have to vote for who ever is 'probably going to win'. But it's a flawed mentality. The presidency and elections are not a horse race. You're not going to the track and betting on a horse that has the best shot at winning. You gain nothing, and in fact lose everything, if you vote and elect someone that does not share your philosophy. The only way you would possibly win, is if you are actually betting money on the election, but come on, how many people actually do that? I actually have a friend who HATES John McCain and wants to see Mike Huckabee elected, but says he is going to vote for McCain just because Huckabee has no chance. lol. Does this fool not understand that if he, and people like him stopped that idiotic mentality, and actually voted for Huckabee, he would have a much better shot at winning?

Americans wonder why they keep getting a crappy president every election. We had Bush Sr. who was such a crappy president he didn't get relelected for his 2nd term. We had Clinton who everyone wanted to impeach. Then we have Bush Jr who everyone, even republicans dislike, and want to impeach. Americans get what comes to them, if they want to keep electing the same idiots to office just because they are the 'likely' winners.

I have a question: What's the point in even having an election, if everyone is just going to vote for the same person because they are the 'likely winner'? Let's just skip the election, and make the 'likely winner' president before any elections even happen.

So yes, I will be voting for Ron Paul. I know he won't win the nomination because too many people are idiots and vote for someone just because they're popular, but at least I know I won't be wasting my vote like people think. To truly waste my vote would be to vote for the lesser of 2 evil, which I will never, ever do again.