Saturday, August 30, 2008

Why it's imperative that McCain wins

For the first time in the history of the United States, a black person is the nominee for president, on a major political party. This is history in the making.

Now, imagine the anger among blacks everywhere who will feel cheated if "another old white guy" beats Obama. They will feel that the election was rigged, and that "whitey" still controls everything. Blacks everywhere will riot in the streets, raping and killing every white person they see. While this is a horrid thought, it's exactly what we need.

Whites who are not racially aware, all across America, will see what the blacks are doing, and finally wake up. The sheep will leave the pasture when they realize that these blacks are mere beasts and were not created equal to them. They will see how much blacks hate and resent them.

Then, finally, the race-war will be on. And brothers and sisters, we will win it. We never lose.

All of this is why it's imperative that we vote for McCain and push him to victory over Obama. It's true, we know that McCain isn't pro-White in the least, and with his rabid support of Israel, he is more Jewish than White. But to your average black, they see him as "just another old white guy".

Like McCain or not, he's what we need. For a long time now the ZOG has been using us as tools - it's time we use one of them as a tool. It's time we use John McCain as a tool.

McCain/Palin '08.

Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain picks Sarah Palin for VP

McCain has officially picked his running mate, and it is Alaska's Governor Sarah Palin.

She is a stunningly beautiful 44 year old white woman. Very conservative, but not a neo-con. She hunts, fishes, eats moose-burgers, rides snowmobiles, and is even a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association. Her politics are very similar to Congressman Ron Paul's, in fact it was speculated by Ron Paul's supporters that if Ron Paul had won the nomination, he should pick her.

She's my kind of woman!

McCain picking Palin seals the deal for me, he will be who I vote for, despite the fact I really dislike McCain and consider him more of a liberal than anything. Remember, he's very old and not in the best health, chances are he might kick the bucket from old age while in office, which would allow Sarah to become president. I would love her to be president.

She is Alaska's governor, and let us not forget Alaska was the state Ron Paul did the best in, during the primaries. Alaskans are generally very friendly, true conservatives. Ron Paul did well in Alaska, lot's of Alaskans voted for him - the same ones that voted Palin into office. So you can be sure that Palin is a good choice, if you're a fan of Ron Paul like I am.

Like Ron Paul, she is also anti-Israel, or at least doesn't believe we should be sending Israel billions of dollars and supporting them in the middle east. This is also a plus in my book. A little bit of trivia, the moment she took office as Governor of Alaska, she sold an Israeli-made personal jet on Ebay, that the last Governor of Alaska wasted money on and bought with taxpayer money. She then used the money (about $2mil) from the sale of the Jet, to help Alaska.

McCain/Palin has my vote over Obama/Biden any day of the week. They should have your vote too, unless you are voting third party, or are a liberal idiot.

But the real question is, will she be enough to help McCain win? She certainly might pull some votes from ex-Hillary supporters that were on the fence and couldn't decide who to vote for. But will her just being a woman, be enough for them to vote Republican? Sarah might be a woman like Hillary, but she's also a conservative, small-government, fiscally conservative gun-loving woman - completely opposite of what Hillary Clinton was.

I must say, I'm perplexed by this choice though. Why would McCain pick Palin? If he was doing it to gain a lead over Obama by choosing a woman and grabbing the female vote, wouldn't it have been a better choice for him to pick someone like Condoleeza Rice, who is both a woman and black? That would surely strengthen McCain's lead much more, because he would grab both the female vote from ex-Hillary supports, and also the vote from some Obama supporters. Maybe Condi just wasn't interested in being VP, or maybe McCain thought she had too much of a connection to George Bush. Who knows.

Regardless, I love Sarah Palin, and think she's an awesome candidate - enough to pinch my nose and vote for the RINO McCain.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


You want real diversity? Try looking at white people. White people can have black hair, brown hair, blonde hair, red hair, blue hair, white hair, gray hair, and many thousands of shades in-between. White people can have blue eyes, green eyes, brown eyes, gray eyes, hazel eyes, amber eyes, and many other different colors.

Compare 3 random white females, to 3 random black females:


Notice that the black women all have black hair and black eyes. No diversity at all in their appearance.