For the first time in the history of the United States, a black person is the nominee for president, on a major political party. This is history in the making.
Now, imagine the anger among blacks everywhere who will feel cheated if "another old white guy" beats Obama. They will feel that the election was rigged, and that "whitey" still controls everything. Blacks everywhere will riot in the streets, raping and killing every white person they see. While this is a horrid thought, it's exactly what we need.
Whites who are not racially aware, all across America, will see what the blacks are doing, and finally wake up. The sheep will leave the pasture when they realize that these blacks are mere beasts and were not created equal to them. They will see how much blacks hate and resent them.
Then, finally, the race-war will be on. And brothers and sisters, we will win it. We never lose.
All of this is why it's imperative that we vote for McCain and push him to victory over Obama. It's true, we know that McCain isn't pro-White in the least, and with his rabid support of Israel, he is more Jewish than White. But to your average black, they see him as "just another old white guy".
Like McCain or not, he's what we need. For a long time now the ZOG has been using us as tools - it's time we use one of them as a tool. It's time we use John McCain as a tool.
McCain/Palin '08.
Everyone who stays home in protest, votes third party or write-in is putting this monster into the White House.
Every black church and organization, every Muslim mosque and organization in every town and city across this country will get their people to the polls to vote for Obama- even busing them in. You can take that to the bank.
We MUST stand behind McCain, spread the word and get out the vote. He is the only thing standing between Obama and the White House.
Spread the word. Get out the vote! Write letters to the editors. Hit the forums.
There is no better file on the net than "The Obama File"
This is the place to get detrimental ACCURATE information on Obama.
Knowing the Blacks as I have had to know and learn about them most of my life in Los Angeles, this article should be written on the hearts of every living White person alive!
It is disheartening knowing that so very many White's will have to learn thru the pain that many a White has already had to endure and some not able to endure.
These Blacks will do harm any way and any where they can.
There will be no turning back once Obama, Reid & Pelosi are running everyong in America, destroying White's in everyway they can.
This unfortunately is the only way White's will ever wake up and defend themselves from these Monsters that have been created by a so-called, Civil Right Government Entitlement Program.
Hopefully, after the dust settles, and the smoke clears away, these 'Things' that have been allowed to torture White's far too long, will want to leave and go to their own Country, never to return to this White soil again!
Ha ha ha!
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