Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Vote Fred Thompson 2008!

Man, this guy is great. A true American hero. A true conservative. A republican for the people! As soon as he officially enters the race, you can be sure he will get my support! Just look at his sexy balding mug:

He looks happy, because he knows he's going to win.

But enough with how sexy he is! Let's see where he stands on the issues. Yeah, we all know where candidates stand on the issues doesn't matter. Just look at Barack Obama, who gets many votes from black persons just because he's black. Or how he gets lots of votes from females, because he's "tall dark and handsome". But enough with Obama. Let's learn more about Fred Thompson:

* Fred Voted For The Iraq War.
* Fred Voted For The Patriot Act.

* Fred Voted For More Gun Safety Laws.
* Fred Is Tough On Crime And Voted For Roving Wiretaps.

* Fred Has Promised To Nuke Iran.
* Fred Will Protect You From Terrorists.

* Fred Thompson starred in the hit television show Law and Order, just like Ronald Reagan was on television.

* Fred's young wife Jeri Thompson, used to be an exotic dancer.

* Fred was a lobbyist for a pro-abortion group.

Yeah. He's just that damn good, and a true conservative, unlike that douchebag Ron Paul. Any one who doesn't vote for Fred Thompson is either a liberal or a dumbass.

And by request, here's a photo of his wife, who is such a hottie:

I am so jealous of Fred. Any way, "Vote Fred, or Be Dead!"

Fred Thompson 2008!

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