Friday, September 5, 2008

Sarah Palin versus Ron Paul

On Gun Rights:
Ron Paul: Firm supporter of the second amendment.
Sarah Palin: Firm supporter of the second amendment.

On Abortion:

Ron Paul: Against abortion.
Sarah Palin: Against abortion.

On Gay Marriage:
Ron Paul: Thinks it should be between a man and a woman.
Sarah Palin: Thinks it should be between a man and a woman.

On drilling for oil in Alaska:
Ron Paul: Thinks we should drill for oil in Alaska, after all that's the reason Alaska became a state in the first place.
Sarah Palin: Thinks we should drill for oil in Alaska, after all that's the reason Alaska became a state in the first place.

On size of government:
Ron Paul: Wants to shrink the size of the federal government.
Sarah Palin: Wants to shrink the size of the federal government.

On state rights:

Ron Paul: Thinks states should have more rights, less interference from federal government.
Sarah Palin: Thinks states should have more rights, less interference from federal government.

On taxes:
Ron Paul: Thinks there should be less taxes, IRS dismantled
Sarah Palin: Thinks there should be less taxes.

On Free Market:
Ron Paul: Supports a free market.
Sarah Palin: Supports a free market. Thinks we should encourage business growth by reducing taxes.

On the death penalty:
Ron Paul: For it.
Sarah Palin: For it.

On education:
Ron Paul: Thinks that if evolution is taught in school, creationism should be too, let kids decide which they want to learn about.
Sarah Palin: Thinks that if evolution is taught in school, creationism should be too, let kids decide which they want to learn about. Sarah is very serious on this issue and has made it a top priority.

On family:
Ron Paul: Thinks that a strong family is important, and supports traditional family roles of mother and father. Has been married to his wife for more than 50 years and has tens of grandchildren.
Sarah Palin: Thinks that a strong family is important, and supports traditional family roles of mother and father. Has been married to her husband for more than 20 years, and has 5 children and soon to be 1 grand child.

On free trade:
Ron Paul: Thinks free trade is important.
Sarah Palin: Thinks free trade is important.

On health care:
Ron Paul: Thinks health care should be free-market driven, welfare state abolished.
Sarah Palin: Thinks health care should be free-market driven, welfare state abolished.

On millitary:
Ron Paul: A strong military is important for defending our nation. Thinks we should only be involved in war if we are directly attacked.
Sarah Palin: A strong military is important for defending our nation. Supports foreign wars.

On support for Israel:
Ron Paul: Thinks Israel should exist, but we should not support them at all.
Sarah Palin: Thinks we should support Israel.

Total Issues*: 15
Total Agree: 13.5
Total Disagree: 1.5

* No immigration stance recorded for Sarah Palin as of 09/05/2008.
It's speculated that she is against illegal-immigration and wants to close the borders, but has not said anything about her stance because it contradicts McCain's open borders policy. On 09/04/2008, Laura Ingrahm stated that Palin personally told her that she is against open-borders and thinks we need to close the borders, however this information from Laura Ingrahm cannot be verified.


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